This was wonderful, Mary. A real meeting of minds!

I'll confess Jaglom hadn't been on my radar - now I'm looking forward to tracking down his films. Thank you!

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Mar 7Liked by <Mary L. Tabor>

What a fabulous interview Mary! Such penetrating, yet childlike wonder throughout. It’s clear why you’ve been so captivated by Henry—his fresh, unburdened creative approach is enlivening, I could feel it even from this interview and now must check out his body of work.

And what woman wouldn’t adore a man whose natural habitat is women!

“So I got to see women's lives from a woman's point of view very early on, and I got to share the emotional rollercoaster of it and the power of it and the vulnerability and the fragility of it in a man's world and the pitfalls, as well as the strengths and the humor and the bravery, and it was my natural habitat. That's what Orson Welles used to say to me, women are your natural habitat.”

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Mary, I'm beside myself. (Also in front and behind.) What a wondrous interview! What connection you made! What insight and revelation. I'll say more when I restack, but for now I'll be more personal.

I discovered Jaglom at the start, with *A Safe Place,* a film that so enchanted me at a young point in my life when I was sorely in need of enchantment that I led pilgrimages to see it multiple times. I took my older lover to see it - a woman who I knew would want to walk into the screen, like Buster Keaton, and merge with Tuesday Weld's character. I led a group of six once.

I have a teaching friend (for most of the past year as a volunteer in Ukraine), a former actor who is friends with Jaglom from those days. My friend gave me special access to the films, to revisit and to see those I missed, and your interview provides a jolt to make use of it now and gain all that insight and pleasure. Thanks again for this. I'm so happy for the reward of it.

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What an interview, Mary. I haven't watched Mr. Jaglom's films before, but I will be sure to check out Eating. By the way, The M Word is the perfect name for that film. So clever. I'm in perimenopause right now. Ugh.

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Mar 5Liked by <Mary L. Tabor>

Very touching. A remarkable man. A wonderful conversation. Thank you!

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