I agree about her deft command of iambic verse, and her rhetorical power:

"Our God forgetting, by our God forgot!"

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Some people benefit today from working 3 jobs and never seeing their kids. Those people probably hate their kids and love working like slaves. I don't know anyone like that. But if I put on my Desantis thinking cap they totally exist.

/S just in case you think otherwise.

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Ugh. Well said. Gaslighting is too kind a word for it.

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Wow I'd never heard about Wheatley's end. Only knew her as the beginning of most histories of Black American poetry. As I recall Helen Keller had to face a similar tribunal, where she (or rather Anne Sullivan) was accused of plagiarizing an early short story. When I taught in school it seemed common amongst my fellow teachers to accuse ESL or international students of plagiarizing if their work was ever "too" good.

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Excellent point. It’s awful that similar bias persists. Writing is hard enough without being suspected of plagiarism!

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Thank you!

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Thank you for this! 🙏🏼

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Thanks for reading ❤️

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